Hello Neighbor Alpha 1

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3.6 stars (18votes)

Welcome to the house of your neighbor – this is a small world of unexpected collisions, puzzles, and fears. You are here to save someone kidnapped by your neighbor. You are pretty sure that you saw this man locking someone in his cellar and there were no other witnesses of this horrible crime, so you are the only hope of this poor thing. However, once your rescue mission starts, it becomes clear that you are the one to be saved as well – now you are locked inside of his house and this place is the most dangerous on earth. Not only you will have to tackle thousands of creepy and harmful traps, but also the neighbor himself, a pretty violent person, is going to chase you wherever you go. Well, he is not very excited by the fact that you have sneaked into his dwelling! And what is most frightening for him – he understands that you know something about him.

The game starts when you move to a new house and start a life at the countryside. You are just an ordinary guy, living in your house and enjoying the fresh air and amazing nature all around here. However, is that really so? Very soon, you will find powers inside of you that can change the world to better – you are here to save people, kidnapped by a monster in a human body. This monster is your neighbor, a person from the house that stands nearby. Who is he? You have no idea. Why did he block the entrance to his cellar? Does he keep someone in there? Is a victim – maybe a small innocent child or a young weak lady? Or maybe he has caught some villain and punishes him for the sins of his past? Or… maybe you fantasize too much and nothing bad really happens? Too many questions and suspicions cannot leave you calm, so you decide to check the neighbor’s house and finally – get inside of the basement. However, your neighbor is assured that this is not your business, so he is here to prevent you from implementing your plans in life.
No matter what, you need to find out the truth and see what your neighbor is hiding. This is going to be something really shocking! However, even though he might be doing crimes, you will find out some facts of his past – filled with tragedy, tears, sorrow, and loneliness. Maybe, the maniacs and crazy people can be understood as well? Maybe, this is not their fault and they are doing nasty stuff because they are traumatized? Well, the game will make you think about different things, but in the process you will have to oppose the violent neighbor and try not to get captured by him. The tactics and strategies you use will be predicted by the neighbor – he is controlled by AI and knows everything about you and your habits.

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